You can be a dancing star!

Life can be hard. We dream, we plan, we strive, and often things go well. But sometimes something comes seemingly out of nowhere and shakes us to our core. Our lives fall apart and we are a mess of chaotic thoughts and emotions. It might be the death of someone we love; or a cruel betrayal of trust; it could be that we're made redundant; or we're given a health diagnosis we hadn't expected. Whatever it is, somehow we have to cope, and it's never easy. Always amidst the chaos, however, is the potential for the birth of a dancing star.
When I look back on my own life, I find that painful though the circumstances may have been with these bolts from the blue, something good has always come out of what happened. I am stronger and more resilient to face future challenges; an opportunity to live my life differently arose; a new relationship that was important to me developed; I learned to take better care of myself.
Whatever you're facing in life - take some time for yourself today:
* Remember, however challenging the circumstances, that how your life unfolds will depend on how you react to the situation
* Sit quietly and focus, even for just a few minutes, on your breathing alone, and see how you feel calmer
* Go for a walk, if possible in the countryside, or a park, or by the sea, and try to pay attention to your surroundings rather than grappling with the difficulties you face
* Be gentle with yourself and try to think of the good things in your life - there will be some, however distressed you feel
* Try to be hopeful and positive that the ultimate outcome will be beneficial for your growth
You are a child of the universe, and out of the chaos a dancing star can be born. My anthology, A Dancing Star: Inspirations to Guide and Heal, offers the wisdom of those who have walked life's road before us, and helps us connect with the source of wisdom inside each one of us. Now available to order from this website.
Wishing you well!