Season of Light

A poignant time of year, when stars twinkle in the night sky, fairy lights dance on trees and buildings, and candles emit a warm glow from inside our homes. Amidst the perennial turmoil of the world we live in, light in the darkness and the familiar traditions surrounding the Solstice, St Lucia’s Day, Christmas and Hanukkah, give us hope for the year to come.
Although this season of good cheer can be enjoyable for many, it can also be stressful and exhausting, and for some it may be a really difficult and challenging time. But it is also a time of promise - the past cannot be changed, but the future can be different. We have a choice. We can choose to think about peace and harmony instead of pain and strife. If we sit quietly amidst all the bustle we might just hear the angels whisper their words of love and encouragement for a new beginning. Life can be renewed.
Deep down we all want the same thing - joy, peace of mind, and meaning in our lives. When we act from love rather than fear, the world looks different. A sense of lack results in fear, envy and hatred, yet a sense of gratitude for what we do have in life results in joy. The circumstances each of us find ourselves in vary greatly, but no matter what our situation, we can choose love over fear. Light can triumph over darkness, which is essentially what lies at the heart of this season.
Many of us are endeavouring to create a way of life which takes account not only of our nearest and dearest, but all the earth’s inhabitants and forms of life, as well as this wonderful planet of ours. Hoping for a more peaceful future, we can choose to stay grounded in compassion, understanding and authenticity; we can listen to others, even if we don’t agree with them; we can avoid getting entangled in polarised views; we can respect each other for the sparks of divinity that we are at our core. We can change ourselves, and who knows, together we might just be able to make a difference to our world.
Have a peaceful and meaningful celebratory season filled with light and love!