Are we at a tipping point?
Every day the world's crises seem to get worse. Whether it's Trump threatening North Korea and yet at the same time failing to condemn neo-Nazis, or whether it's another weather-related disaster, another terrorist attack, or rigged elections. We have ongoing political, environmental and economic crises,with the rich getting richer, and the poor poorer. We also have the threat from developments in AI where new machines could wipe out millions of jobs, and we have illegal immigrants flocking to the West in huge numbers. Greed and exploitation prevail and we seem mired in multiple crises affecting the fabric and morale of our society. It's hard to be hopeful!
I've just completed my latest book on HOPE and delivered it to my publisher for publication next year. It hasn't been easy to write against the backdrop of constant negative news, but I continue to remain optimistic in spite of eveything that is happening around us, for I believe we may well be at a tipping point in our evolution as a species. Five years ago I published Wake Up and Hear the Thunder: Finding Hope in a Hopeless World. Although things seem worse in many respects than when I wrote this, I continue to be preoccupied with giving hope to others in these deperate times. The crises we are experiencing are forcing us to change our ways. Fundamentally we are experiencing a crisis of consciousness. We know in our hearts that things are not working - there has to be a better way. We can no longer ignore what is happening around us, and if we're to survive we need to co-operate with each other rather than competing and fighting.
I am hopeful that we can create a different future if we want to. We can, each one of us, choose to be hopeful! As long as there is life, there is hope. We can choose to hope and change ourselves, endeavouring to live the way we want the world to be. Many people around the globe are trying to do this, and I hope that through posting articles and embedding vidoes on this website I can share my hopes for a better and more sustainable future for us all.
I am embedding here a video from KarmaTube on how local communities across the world are resisting the global consumer culture which is destroying our communities and lives. This is the good news, that we can reverse the process!